English to Chinese Dictionary


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guò to cross / to go over / to pass (time) / to celebrate (a holiday) / to live / to get along / excessively / too-
shàng (bound form) up; upper; above; previous / first (of multiple parts) / to climb; to get onto; to go up / to attend (class or university) / (directional complement) up / (noun suffix) on; above
diàn lightning / electricity / electric (bound form) / to get (or give) an electric shock / phone call or telegram etc / to send via telephone or telegram etc
认识 rèn shi to know / to recognize / to be familiar with / to get acquainted with sb / knowledge / understanding / awareness / cognition
huì can; to have the skill; to know how to / to be likely to; to be sure to / to meet; to get together / meeting; gathering / (suffix) union; group; association / (bound form) a moment (Taiwan pr. [hui3])
to rise / to raise / to get up / to set out / to start / to appear / to launch / to initiate (action) / to draft / to establish / to get (from a depot or counter) / verb suffix, to start / starting from (a time, place, price etc) / classifier for occurrences or unpredictable events: case, instance / classifier for groups: batch, group
to go / to go to (a place) / (of a time etc) last / just passed / to send / to remove / to get rid of / to reduce / to be apart from in space or time / to die (euphemism) / to play (a part) / (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth / (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker) / (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)
下班 xià bān to finish work; to get off work / next service (train, bus, etc)
起来 lai to stand up; to get up / also pr. [qi3lai2]
走路 zǒu to walk; to go on foot / to leave; to depart / (informal) to clear off; to beat it / (of sb who gets fired or resigns) to leave the job; to get out
生气 shēng to get angry; to be furious / vitality; liveliness
下课 xià to finish class / to get out of class / (fig.) (esp. of a sports coach) to be dismissed / to be fired
得到 dào to get; to obtain; to receive
下车 xià chē to get off or out of (a bus, train, car etc)
起床 chuáng to get out of bed; to get up
上车 shàng chē to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc)
to obtain / to get / to gain / to catch (a disease) / proper / suitable / proud / contented / to allow / to permit / ready / finished
to take / to get / to choose / to fetch
to crawl / to climb / to get up or sit up
通过 tōng guò to pass through; to get through / to adopt (a resolution); to pass (legislation) / to pass (a test) / by means of; through; via
取得 to acquire; to get; to obtain
zāng dirty / filthy / to get (sth) dirty
gas; air / smell / weather / to make angry; to annoy; to get angry / vital energy; qi
出门 chū mén to go out / to leave home / to go on a journey / away from home / (of a woman) to get married
不过 guò only / merely / no more than / but / however / anyway (to get back to a previous topic) / cannot be more (after adjectival)

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