English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: go g gu ga ji dge ju jie ?

song / CL:支[zhi1],首[shou3] / to sing
elder brother
(classifier used before a noun that has no specific classifier) / (bound form) individual
variant of 歌[ge1]
variant of 個|个[ge4]
each / every
to separate / to partition / to stand or lie between / at a distance from / after or at an interval of
square / frame / rule / (legal) case / style / character / standard / pattern / (grammar) case / (classical) to obstruct / to hinder / (classical) to arrive / to come / (classical) to investigate / to study exhaustively
to place / to put aside / to shelve
to cut / to cut apart
surname Ge
dagger-axe / abbr. for 戈瑞[ge1 rui4] / (Tw) abbr. for 戈雷[ge1 lei2]
100 ml / one-tenth of a peck / measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth of sheng 升 or liter, or one-hundredth dou 斗
格尔木 ěr Golmud or Ge'ermu city (Tibetan: na gor mo grong khyer) in Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海西蒙古族藏族自治州[Hai3 xi1 Meng3 gu3 zu2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai
surname Ge
used in 自個兒|自个儿[zi4 ge3 r5]
hiccup / belch
(bound form) clam / used in 蛤蚧[ge2jie4]
pigeon; dove
copernicium (chemistry)
pavilion (usu. two-storied) / cabinet (politics) / boudoir / woman's chamber / rack / shelf
animal hide / leather / to reform / to remove / to expel (from office)
cadmium (chemistry)

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