English to Chinese Dictionary


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注视 zhù shì to look attentively at; to closely watch; to gaze at
目光 guāng gaze; (fig.) attention / expression in one's eyes; look / (lit. and fig.) sight; vision
眼光 yǎn guāng gaze / insight / foresight / vision / way of looking at things
wàng full moon / to hope / to expect / to visit / to gaze (into the distance) / to look towards / towards
dīng to watch attentively / to fix one's attention on / to stare at / to gaze at
目不转睛 zhuǎn jīng unable to take one's eyes off (idiom); to gaze steadily / to stare
凝视 níng shì to gaze at / to fix one's eyes on
suī to have a deep or piercing gaze
望洋兴叹 wàng yáng - xīng tàn lit. to gaze at the ocean and lament one's inadequacy (idiom) / fig. to feel powerless and incompetent (to perform a task)
zhān to gaze / to view
青睐 qīng lài (literary) (lit.) to fix one's gaze on; (fig.) to show interest in; (favorable) attention; favor
回望 huí wàng to return sb's gaze; to meet sb's eyes / to look back (to one's rear) / (fig.) to look back at (the past); to reflect on
远望 yuǎn wàng to gaze afar / to look into the distance
zhǔ to gaze at / to stare at
tiào to gaze into the distance
凝望 níng wàng to gaze at / to stare fixedly at
qióng (literary) to gaze in terror / (literary) alone; unaided
远眺 yuǎn tiào to gaze into the distance
望洋 wàng yáng (literary) to gaze into the air
犯傻 fàn shǎ to be foolish / to play dumb / to gaze absentmindedly
目不斜视 xié shì not to glance sideways (idiom) / to gaze fixedly / to be fully concentrated / to preserve a correct attitude
直勾勾 zhí gōu gōu (of one's gaze) fixed; staring
青眼 qīng yǎn (to look) with a direct gaze / (fig.) respect; favor
to long for / to gaze at
dān gaze intently

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