English to Chinese Dictionary


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chuǎn to gasp / to pant / asthma
喘息 chuǎn to gasp for breath / to take a breather
惊叹 jīng tàn to exclaim in admiration / a gasp of surprise
叹息 tàn to sigh; to gasp (in admiration)
气喘 chuǎn to gasp for breath / asthma
短促 duǎn short in time / fleeting / brief / gasping (breath) / curt (tone of voice)
奄奄一息 yǎn yǎn dying / at one's last gasp
叹为观止 tàn wéi guān zhǐ (idiom) to gasp in amazement / to acclaim as the peak of perfection
叹服 tàn (to gasp) with admiration
喘气 chuǎn to breathe deeply; to pant; to gasp / to take a breather; to catch one's breath
气喘吁吁 chuǎn to pant / to gasp for breath
长吁短叹 cháng duǎn tàn long moan and short gasp (idiom); continually moaning and groaning in pain
气咻咻 xiū xiū to pant / to gasp for breath
吁吁 to pant / to gasp for breath
气吁吁 to pant / to gasp for breath
残喘 cán chuǎn remaining breath / last gasp
咨嗟 jiē (literary) to sigh; to heave a sigh / (literary) to gasp in admiration
不死不休 xiū to fight to one's last gasp
倒抽一口气 dào chōu kǒu to gasp (in surprise, dismay, fright etc)
上气不接下气 shàng jiē xià (idiom) to be out of breath; to gasp for air
倒吸一口凉气 dào kǒu liáng to gasp (with amazement or shock etc) / to feel a chill run down one's spine / to have one's hairs stand on end

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