English to Chinese Dictionary


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to obtain / to get / to gain / to catch (a disease) / proper / suitable / proud / contented / to allow / to permit / ready / finished
好处 hǎo chu benefit; advantage; merit / gain; profit / also pr. [hao3chu4]
成果 chéng guǒ result / achievement / gain / profit / CL:個|个[ge4]
收获 shōu huò to harvest / to reap / to gain / crop / harvest / profit / gain / bonus / reward
获取 huò to gain; to get; to acquire
果实 guǒ shí fruit (produced by a plant) / (fig.) fruits (of success etc) / results / gains
赢得 yíng to win / to gain
抬头 tái tóu to raise one's head / to gain ground / account name, or space for writing the name on checks, bills etc
zuān to drill / to bore / to get into / to make one's way into / to enter (a hole) / to thread one's way through / to study intensively / to dig into / to curry favor for personal gain
盈利 yíng profit / gain / to make profits
利害 hài pros and cons / advantages and disadvantages / gains and losses
见识 jiàn shi to gain first-hand knowledge of sth / to experience for oneself / knowledge / experience / insight
得失 shī gains and losses / success and failure / merits and demerits
分赃 fēn zāng to share the booty; to divide ill-gotten gains
见钱眼开 jiàn qián yǎn kāi to open one's eyes wide at the sight of profit (idiom); thinking of nothing but personal gain / money-grubbing
损人利己 sǔn rén harming others for one's personal benefit (idiom); personal gain to the detriment of others
得不偿失 cháng shī the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)
油水 yóu shuǐ grease / profit / ill-gotten gains
所得 suǒ what one acquires / one's gains
透视 tòu shì (drawing and painting) perspective / (medicine) to perform fluoroscopy; to examine by X-ray / (fig.) to take a penetrating look at sth; to gain insight
增益 zēng to increase / gain (electronics) / (gaming) buff
博得 to win / to gain
徇私舞弊 xùn (idiom) to abuse one's position for personal gain
雄起 xióng (cry of encouragement) / to arise / to stand up / to gain the ascendancy / Come on!
出圈 chū quān to gain popularity beyond the original niche community or fan base; to go mainstream

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