English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: gas gui gao kai cai gay go g ?

gǎi to change / to alter / to transform / to correct
gāi should / ought to / probably / must be / to deserve / to owe / to be sb's turn to do sth / that / the above-mentioned
gài lid / top / cover / canopy / to cover / to conceal / to build
gài calcium (chemistry)
gài (bound form) general; approximate / without exception; categorically / (bound form) bearing; deportment
甘蓝 gān lán cabbage / Chinese broccoli / gai larn
gài see 芥藍|芥蓝[gai4 lan2]
gāi boundary
gài to beg for alms / beggar
gài to irrigate
gāi to give / prepared for included in / embraced in
gài old variant of 概[gai4]
gài infringe upon a trade mark
gāi roots of plant
gài variant of 丐[gai4]
gài variant of 丐[gai4]
Gāi surname Gai
gāi complete / full
gāi step / terrace
gāi old variant of 賅|赅[gai1]
gāi a kind of metal or jade ornament worn in ancient times to ward off evil spirits
gài ancient variant of 蓋|盖[gai4] / ancient variant of 丐[gai4]
gài variant of 概[gai4]
周瑜打黄盖 Zhōu Huáng Gài fig. with the connivance of both sides / fig. by mutual consent / cf Wu patriot Huang Gai submits to mock beating at the hands of General Zhou Yu to deceive Cao Cao 曹操[Cao2 Cao1] before the 208 battle of Redcliff 赤壁之戰|赤壁之战[Chi4 bi4 zhi1 Zhan4]
盖县 Gài xiàn Gai county in Liaoning

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