English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: fushi fuzi fuzhu fazhi fuzhou fuzhe fuzui fuchi ?

复制 zhì to duplicate / to make a copy of / to copy / to reproduce / to clone
赋值 zhí (computing, math.) to assign (a value) / assignment
负值 zhí negative value (math.)
扶植 zhí to foster / to support
复职 zhí to resume a post
父执 zhí (literary) father's friends (of the same generation)
福祉 zhǐ well-being / welfare
府治 zhì seat of prefectural government (from Tang to Qing times)
附肢 zhī appendage
浮质 zhì aerosol
王夫之 Wáng zhī Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692), wide-ranging scholar of the Ming-Qing transition
麸质 zhì gluten

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