English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: foods fits feats footsie ?

走路 zǒu to walk; to go on foot / to leave; to depart / (informal) to clear off; to beat it / (of sb who gets fired or resigns) to leave the job; to get out
jiǎo foot / leg (of an animal or an object) / base (of an object) / CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1] / classifier for kicks
行人 xíng rén pedestrian / traveler on foot / passer-by / official responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor
dùn to stop / to pause / to arrange / to lay out / to kowtow / to stamp (one's foot) / at once / classifier for meals, beatings, scoldings etc: time, bout, spell, meal
dēng to scale (a height) / to ascend / to mount / to publish or record / to enter (e.g. in a register) / to press down with the foot / to step or tread on / to put on (shoes or trousers) (dialect) / to be gathered and taken to the threshing ground (old)
步行 xíng to go on foot / to walk
平方 píng fāng square (as in square foot, square mile, square root)
chǐ a Chinese foot / one-third of a meter / a ruler / a tape-measure / one of the three acupoints for measuring pulse in Chinese medicine / CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3]
(bound form) foot; leg / sufficient; ample / as much as; fully
to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc / to dial / to allocate / to set aside (money) / to poke (the fire) / to pluck (a string instrument) / to turn round / classifier: group, batch
徒步 to be on foot
浑身 hún shēn all over / from head to foot
手脚 shǒu jiǎo hand and foot / movement of limbs / action / trick / step in a procedure (CL:道[dao4])
小卒 xiǎo foot soldier / minor figure / a nobody / (chess) pawn
踏上 shàng to set foot on / to step on or into
AB制 A B zhì to split the bill (where the male counterpart foots the larger portion of the sum) / (theater) a system where two actors take turns in acting the main role, with one actor replacing the other if either is unavailable
脚尖 jiǎo jiān the extremity of the foot
zhǎo foot of a bird or animal / paw / claws / talons
zhuǎ (coll.) foot of an animal or bird / (coll.) foot supporting a cooking pot etc
脚心 jiǎo xīn arch of the foot
足下 xià you (used to a superior or between persons of the same generation) / below the foot
脚气 jiǎo athlete's foot; tinea pedis / beriberi
脚掌 jiǎo zhǎng the sole of the foot
步兵 bīng infantry / foot / infantryman / foot soldier
disciple; apprentice; believer / on foot / bare; empty / to no avail / only / prison sentence

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