English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: fish fishy fishes fushi fuss fushu fashi feishi ?

tào to cover / to encase / cover / sheath / to overlap / to interleave / to model after / to copy / formula / harness / loop of rope / (fig.) to fish for / to obtain slyly / classifier for sets, collections / bend (of a river or mountain range, in place names) / tau (Greek letter Ττ)
fish / CL:條|条[tiao2],尾[wei3]
sōng loose / to loosen / to relax / floss (dry, fluffy food product made from shredded, seasoned meat or fish, used as a topping or filling)
xiān fish / old variant of 鮮|鲜[xian1]
水产品 shuǐ chǎn pǐn aquatic products (including fish, crabs, seaweed etc)
tāo to fish out (from pocket) / to scoop
钓鱼 diào to fish (with line and hook); to angle / (fig.) to entrap / (Tw) to repeatedly nod one's head while dozing
zhào to cover; to spread over / a cover; a shade; a hood / bamboo fish trap / bamboo chicken coop / (Tw) (coll.) to protect; to have sb's back / (Tw) (coll.) awesome; incredible / (Tw) (coll.) (often as 罩得住[zhao4de2zhu4]) to have things under control; to be able to handle it
打捞 lāo to salvage / to dredge / to fish out (person or object from the sea)
lāo to fish up / to dredge up
沽名钓誉 míng diào to angle for fame (idiom) / to fish for compliments
wěi tail / remainder / remnant / extremity / sixth of the 28 constellations / classifier for fish
ancient practice of offering sacrifices to the gods in the 12th lunar month / the 12th lunar month / (bound form) (of meat, fish etc) cured in winter, esp. in the 12th lunar month
捕鱼 to catch fish; to fish
鱼肉 ròu flesh of fish / fish and meat / (fig.) victims of oppression / (fig.) to cruelly oppress (i.e. to treat like flesh to be carved up)
hūn strong-smelling vegetable (garlic etc) / non-vegetarian food (meat, fish etc) / vulgar / obscene
fisherman / to fish
咸鱼 xián salted fish
diào to fish with a hook and line; to angle
捞钱 lāo qián lit. to dredge for money / to make money by reprehensible means / to fish for a quick buck
lín scales (of fish)
zhǎ salted fish / dish made with ground vegetables, flour and other condiments
ér caviar / fish roe
quán fish of genus Sarcocheilichthys (a genus of cyprinid fishes found in eastern Asia)
鱼类 lèi fishes

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