English to Chinese Dictionary


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tāi fetus / classifier for litters (of puppies etc) / padding (in clothing or bedding) / womb carrying a fetus / (fig.) origin / source / (loanword) tire
胎儿 tāi ér unborn child / fetus / embryo
翻盘 fān pán to make a comeback / (of a doctor's assessment of the gender of a fetus) to turn out to be wrong
打掉 diào to tear down / to destroy / to dismantle (a gang) / to abort (a fetus)
怪胎 guài tāi freak / abnormal embryo / fetus with deformity
méi quickening of the fetus
胎死腹中 tāi zhōng fetus dies in the belly / (fig.) plans or projects failed before being carried out
卵黄囊 luǎn huáng náng yolk sac (ectodermal cells attaching fetus to uterus before the development of the placenta)
溶血病 róng xuè bìng hemolytic disease of newborn (breakdown of red blood cells due to alloimmune reaction between mother and fetus)

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