Did you mean: vetch fitch fetus feichu fetish feichi foch feiche ?
打 | dǎ | to beat / to strike / to hit / to break / to type / to mix up / to build / to fight / to fetch / to make / to tie up / to issue / to shoot / to calculate / to play (a game) / since / from |
取 | qǔ | to take / to get / to choose / to fetch |
迎娶 | yíng qǔ | (of a groom) to fetch one's bride from her parents' home to escort her to the wedding ceremony / (fig.) to take as one's wife; to marry (a woman) |
牵强 | qiān qiǎng | far-fetched / implausible (chain of reasoning) |
迎亲 | yíng qīn | (of the groom's family) to send a bridal sedan chair 花轎|花轿 to fetch the bride / to send a party to escort the bride to the groom's house |
望文生义 | wàng wén shēng yì | lit. view a text and interpret (idiom); to interpret word by word without understanding the meaning / a far-fetched interpretation |
穿凿附会 | chuān záo fù huì | (idiom) to make far-fetched claims; to offer outlandish explanations |
払 | fǎn | to take / to fetch |
遥不可及 | yáo bù kě jí | unattainable / far-fetched / out of reach / exceedingly remote or distant |
拿来 | ná lái | to bring / to fetch / to get |
三个和尚没水喝 | sān gè hé shang méi shuǐ hē | lit. three monks have no water to drink (idiom) / fig. everybody's business is nobody's business / (If there is one monk, he will fetch water for himself. If there are two, they will fetch water together. But if there are three or more, none will take it upon himself to fetch water.) |