English to Chinese Dictionary


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收费 shōu fèi to charge a fee
fèi to cost / to spend / fee / wasteful / expenses
学费 xué fèi tuition fee / tuition / CL:個|个[ge4]
票价 piào jià ticket price; fare; admission fee
交费 jiāo fèi to pay a fee
手续费 shǒu fèi service charge / processing fee / commission
缴费 jiǎo fèi to pay a fee
管理费 guǎn fèi management fee
运费 yùn fèi freight fee
义诊 zhěn to provide free medical treatment / to provide medical treatment, donating consultation fees to a charitable cause
杏林 xìng lín forest of apricot trees / (fig.) honorific term for fine doctor (cf Dr Dong Feng 董奉[Dong3 Feng4], 3rd century AD, asked his patients to plant apricot trees instead of paying fees)
公学 gōng xué elite fee-charging independent school in England or Wales (e.g. Eton College)
稿酬 gǎo chóu fee paid to an author for a piece of writing
yòng commission (for middleman) / brokerage fee
润格 rùn (old) scale of fees charged by a painter or calligrapher
嫖资 piáo prostitute's fee for service
汇费 huì fèi remittance fee
就业安定费 jiù ān dìng fèi Employment Stability Fee (Taiwan), a minimum monthly fee for employing foreign workers
诊费 zhěn fèi medical fees
汇水 huì shuǐ remittance fee
冻涨 dòng zhǎng to freeze (prices, fees etc) (Tw)
不吝 lìn not to stint; to be generous (with praise etc); to be prepared to (pay a fee, give of one's time etc)
违约金 wéi yuē jīn penalty (fee)
上门费 shàng mén fèi house call fee / callout fee
保险费 bǎo xiǎn fèi insurance fee

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