English to Chinese Dictionary


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厌倦 yàn juàn to be weary of; to be fed up with; to be bored with
厌烦 yàn fán bored; fed up with sth; sick of sth
美联储 Měi lián chǔ US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US central bank
yàn (bound form) to loathe; to be fed up with / (literary) to satiate; to satisfy
hùn grain-fed animals / pigsty
丰衣足食 fēng shí having ample food and clothing (idiom); well fed and clothed
腻歪 wai (of a couple) to be sweet to each other; lovey-dovey / tired of; fed up with; sick of (synonym of 膩味|腻味[ni4wei5])
腻味 wei tired of; fed up with; sick of / (of a person) to annoy; to be tiresome
腻烦 fan bored / to be fed up with / sick and tired of sth / Taiwan pr. [ni4 fan2]
生厌 shēng yàn to disgust / to pall / fed up / tedious / cloying / boring / irritating
倒胃口 dǎo wèi kǒu to spoil one's appetite / fig. to get fed up with sth
烦腻 fán fed up
厌气 yàn fed up with / loathsome
草饲 cǎo grass-fed
受够 shòu gòu to have had enough of / to be fed up with / to have had one's fill of
谷饲 grain-fed
膘肥体壮 biāo féi zhuàng (of a livestock animal) plump and strong / well-fed
吃人家的嘴软,拿人家的手短 chī rén jiā de zuǐ ruǎn , rén jiā de shǒu duǎn lit. the mouth that has been fed by others is soft, the hand that has received doesn't reach (idiom) / fig. one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted
柘丝 zhè silk from worms fed on 柘[zhe4] leaves
柘蚕 zhè cán silkworms fed on the leaves of the 柘[zhe4] tree
美国联邦储备 Měi guó Lián bāng Chǔ bèi US Federal Reserve (Fed), the US central bank
听腻了 tīng le fed up of hearing
膘肥 biāo féi (of a stock animal) well-fed / fat
良心喂狗 liáng xīn wèi gǒu to have fed one's conscience to the dogs (idiom) / devoid of conscience
饱人不知饿人饥 bǎo rén zhī è rén The well-fed cannot know how the starving suffer (idiom).

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