English to Chinese Dictionary


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yóu oil / fat / grease / petroleum / to apply tung oil, paint or varnish / oily / greasy / glib / cunning
pàng fat / plump
féi fat / fertile / loose-fitting or large / to fertilize / to become rich by illegal means / fertilizer / manure
胖子 pàng zi fat person / fatty
脂肪 zhī fáng fat (in the body, in a plant, or in food)
肥胖 féi pàng fat; obese
lái name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc) / Chenopodium album
赘肉 zhuì ròu excess flesh; unwanted fat; flab; bulge
油脂 yóu zhī grease / oil / fat
zhī fat / rouge (cosmetics) / resin
name of weed plant (fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed etc) / Chenopodium album
发胖 pàng to put on weight / to get fat
发福 to put on weight / to get fat (a sign of prosperity, so a compliment)
脱脂 tuō zhī to remove fat / to skim (milk)
肥肉 féi ròu fat (e.g. pork fat) / fatty meat / (fig.) a gold mine / cash cow
乳脂 zhī cream / milk fat
减脂 jiǎn zhī to burn fat; to lose weight (through diet or exercise)
肥大 féi (of clothes) baggy; loose / (of a person) fat; stout / (medicine) hypertrophy
zhuǎng fat / stout
油膏 yóu gāo semi-solid fat-based substance / (medicine) ointment
猪精 zhū jīng pork bouillon powder / (neologism) (slang) a person who, like a pig, is fat and ugly and given to histrionics
fat on belly / fertile / rich
biāo (usu. of livestock) fat
fáng animal fat
油花 yóu huā grease or fat blobs at the surface of a liquid / tricky and dissolute

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