English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: fake faces faze vice fache fuck fuse feces ?

duì right; correct / towards; at; for / concerning; regarding / to treat (sb a certain way) / to face / (bound form) opposite; facing; matching / to match together; to adjust / to fit; to suit / to answer; to reply / to add; to pour in (a fluid) / to check; to compare / classifier: couple; pair
xiàng towards / to face / to turn towards / direction / to support / to side with / shortly before / formerly / always / all along / (suffix) suitable for ... / oriented to ...
miàn face / side / surface / aspect / top / classifier for objects with flat surfaces such as drums, mirrors, flags etc
liǎn face / CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4]
xiàng variant of 向[xiang4] / direction / orientation / to face / to turn toward / to / towards / shortly before / formerly
对面 duì miàn (sitting) opposite / across (the street) / directly in front / to be face to face
面对 miàn duì to face; to confront
表面 biǎo miàn surface / face / outside / appearance
看起来 kàn lai seemingly; apparently; looks as if; appears to be; gives the impression that; seems on the face of it to be
面临 miàn lín to face sth; to be confronted with
嘴巴 zuǐ ba mouth (CL:張|张[zhang1]) / slap in the face (CL:個|个[ge4])
转身 zhuǎn shēn (of a person) to turn round / to face about / (of a widow) to remarry (archaic)
当前 dāng qián the present time / to be faced with
shān to fan / to slap sb on the face
面貌 miàn mào face; features / appearance; look / CL:個|个[ge4]
mào to emit; to give off; to send out (or up, forth) / to brave; to face / (bound form) reckless / to falsely adopt (sb's identity etc); to feign / (literary) to cover
脸盆 liǎn pén washbowl / basin for washing hands and face / CL:個|个[ge4]
面子 miàn zi outer surface; the outside of sth / social prestige; face
jìng clean / completely / only / net (income, exports etc) / (Chinese opera) painted face male role
面向 miàn xiàng to face / to turn towards / to incline to / geared towards / catering for / -oriented / facial feature / appearance / aspect / facet
yǎng to face upward / to look up / to admire / to rely on
面对面 miàn duì miàn face to face
笑脸 xiào liǎn smiling face / smiley :) ☺ / CL:副[fu4]
花瓶 huā píng flower vase / (fig.) female employee considered to be just a pretty face (attractive but not very competent)
表面上 biǎo miàn shang outwardly; superficially; on the face of it

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