English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: do to di due de da tu duo ?

to read out; to read aloud / to read / to attend (school); to study (a subject in school) / to pronounce
to pass / to spend (time) / measure / limit / extent / degree of intensity / degree (angles, temperature etc) / kilowatt-hour / classifier for events and occurrences
to block up (a road, pipe etc) / to stop up (a hole) / (fig.) (of a person) choked up with anxiety or stress / wall (literary) / (classifier for walls)
poison / to poison / poisonous / malicious / cruel / fierce / narcotics
to cross / to pass through / to ferry
to bet; to gamble
alone / independent / single / sole / only
surname Du
capital city / metropolis
serious (illness) / sincere / true
cabinet / case / casket
toot / honk / to pout
to observe / to see
surname Du
birchleaf pear (tree) / to stop / to prevent / to restrict
(bound form) to supervise
used in 茳芏[jiang1 du4] / Taiwan pr. [tu3]
to envy (success, talent) / jealous
to plate (with gold, silver etc) / (prefix) -plated
used in location words (Cantonese) / Mandarin equivalent: 裡|里[li3]
calf / sacrificial victim
used in 髑髏|髑髅[du2lou2]
insect that eats into books, clothing etc / moth-eaten / worm-eaten

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