English to Chinese Dictionary


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起伏 to move up and down / to undulate / ups and downs
风风雨雨 fēng fēng trials and tribulations / ups and downs
沧桑 cāng sāng great changes / ups and downs / vicissitudes / abbr. of 滄海桑田|沧海桑田[cang1 hai3 sang1 tian2]
沉浮 chén lit. sinking and floating / to bob up and down on water / ebb and flow / fig. rise and fall / ups and downs of fortune / vicissitudes
浮沉 chén ups and downs (of life etc) / to drift along / to sink and emerge
瘦身 shòu shēn to lose weight (intentionally) / to slim down / (Tw) to downsize (a business)
起落 luò to rise and fall / takeoff and landing / ups and downs
大起大落 luò (of market prices etc) to rapidly fluctuate (idiom) / volatile / significant ups and downs / roller coaster
上有政策,下有对策 shàng yǒu zhèng , xià yǒu duì The higher ups have policies while the lower downs have their own ways of getting around them. (idiom)
有沉有浮 yǒu chén yǒu to have one's ups and downs

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