English to Chinese Dictionary


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苍穹 cāng qióng the blue dome of heaven
qióng vault / dome / the sky
顶灯 dǐng dēng dome light (of a taxi etc) / ceiling light (in a room) / interior light (of a car) / light on the top of a mast etc
圆顶 yuán dǐng dome
沱茶 tuó chá a cake of tea, commonly Pu'er tea 普洱茶[Pu3 er3 cha2], compacted into a bowl or nest shape / dome shaped tea-brick / caked tea
拱顶 gǒng dǐng an arched roof / a dome / a vault
穹窿 qióng lóng a dome / a vault / the sky
钟罩 zhōng zhào bell jar; dome (used to enclose or protect sth)
巨蛋 dàn oval-shaped stadium / dome / arena
圆屋顶 yuán dǐng dome
穹丘 qióng qiū dome
熔岩穹丘 róng yán qióng qiū magma dome
穹形 qióng xíng arched / vaulted / dome-shaped
穹顶 qióng dǐng dome / vault / domed roof

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