English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: define divan ?

占卜 zhān to divine
神圣 shén shèng divine / hallow / holy / sacred
zhān to observe / to divine
(bound form) to divine
神曲 Shén The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri 但丁
圣手 shèng shǒu divine physician / sage doctor / highly skilled practitioner
灵光 líng guāng divine light (around the Buddha) / a halo / a miraculous column of light / (slang) jolly good!
占星 zhān xīng to divine by astrology / horoscope
神笔 shén lit. divine pen / fig. outstanding writing
(third person pronoun for a divine being)
报应 bào yìng (Buddhism) divine retribution; karma
庇佑 yòu to bless / to protect / protection (esp. divine)
圣祖 shèng divine ancester / patron saint
飞黄腾达 Fēi huáng téng lit. the divine steed Feihuang gallops (idiom) / fig. to achieve meteoric success in one's career
神权 shén quán divine right (of kings)
显灵 xiǎn líng (of a supernatural or divine being) to appear / to make itself manifest
国色天香 guó tiān xiāng national grace, divine fragrance (idiom); an outstanding beauty
神化 shén huà to make divine / apotheosis
卜卦 guà to divine using the eight trigrams
to divine
shì divine by stalk
神机妙算 shén miào suàn divine strategy and wonderful planning (idiom) / clever scheme / supremely clever in his schemes
shé sort out divining stalks
天香国色 tiān xiāng guó divine fragrance, national grace (idiom); an outstanding beauty
zhōu divine horse

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