English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: dam time din dime diem dm dan dimu ?

cǎn miserable / wretched / cruel / inhuman / disastrous / tragic / dim / gloomy
méng blind / dim-sighted
点心 diǎn xin light refreshments / pastry / dim sum (in Cantonese cooking) / dessert
阴暗 yīn àn dim / dark / overcast / darkness / shadow / (fig.) dismal / gloomy / somber / murky / shadowy (side)
朦胧 méng lóng (literary) (of moonlight) dim / (literary) murky; indistinct
黯然 àn rán dim / sad
暗黑 àn hēi dark; dim
淡淡 dàn dàn faint / dim / dull / insipid / unenthusiastic / indifferent
饮茶 yǐn chá to have tea and refreshments / to have dim sum lunch (Cantonese)
ài (of daylight) dim / obscure / clandestine / dubious
眼花 yǎn huā dimmed eyesight / blurred / vague and unclear vision
依稀 vaguely / dimly / probably / very likely
àn (bound form) dark; dull (color); dim; gloomy
点穴 diǎn xué to hit a pressure point (martial arts) / dim mak / see also 點脈|点脉[dian3 mai4]
傻乎乎 shǎ feeble-minded / dim-witted
源远流长 yuán yuǎn liú cháng lit. source is distant and the flow is long (idiom); fig. sth goes back to the dim and distant past / a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then
夜色 night scene / the dim light of night
茶点 chá diǎn tea and cake / refreshments / tea and dim sum
蒸笼 zhēng lóng steamer basket (e.g. for dim sum)
老耄 lǎo mào dim sight of the aged / doddering / senile
笼屉 lóng bamboo steamer (for buns or dim sum)
恍惚 huǎng absent-minded / distracted / dazzled / vaguely / dimly
头昏眼花 tóu hūn yǎn huā to faint with blurred vision (idiom); dizzy and eyes dimmed
幽微 yōu wēi faint / subtle (of sound, scent etc) / profound / mysterious / dim
昏花 hūn huā dim (eyesight) / blurred (vision)

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