English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: diqing dijing taking dikang dikong dixing daqing daxing ?

堤坝 dam / dike
dike / Taiwan pr. [ti2]
dam / dike; embankment / CL:條|条[tiao2]
堤防 fáng dike / embankment / levee
diked pond
合龙 lóng to join the two sections (of a linear structure: bridge, dike etc) to complete its construction
kuì (bound form) (of floodwaters) to break through a dam or dike / (bound form) to break through (a military encirclement) / (bound form) to be routed; to be overrun; to fall to pieces / (bound form) to fester; to ulcerate
水坝 shuǐ dam / dike
决堤 jué (of a watercourse) to breach its dike / (of dikes) to collapse
lóu (dialect) an opening at the bottom of a dike for letting water in or out / small channel across a river embankment / (used in place names) / Taiwan pr. [dou1]
wéi dike
niàn earth embankment used to hold back or retain water / dike around a paddy field
千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 qiān zhī , kuì xué lit. an ant hole may cause the collapse of a great dike (idiom) / fig. huge damage may result from a moment's negligence
河工 gōng river conservancy works (dike maintenance, dredging etc) / river conservancy worker
liè (literary) equal / enclosure / dike / embankment / Taiwan pr. [le4]
jiàn material (such as rocks, earth, bamboo etc) used to hastily repair a dike / (literary) door bar (vertical bar used to prevent the horizontal movement of a door bolt)
léi fields divided by dikes
溃决 kuì jué (of a dike or dam) to burst
土牛 niú clay ox / mound of earth on a dike (ready for emergency repairs)
围垦 wéi kěn to reclaim land by diking
hàn small dike
开口子 kāi kǒu zi a dike breaks / fig. to provide facilities (for evil deeds) / to open the floodgates
sào dike / old variant of 掃|扫[sao4]
黄泛区 Huáng fàn Huang He Inundated Area, the area flooded in 1938 when dikes along the Yellow River were destroyed in an attempt to halt the advance of Japanese troops / (historically) Huang He floodable area

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