English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: danji dianzi dianjia dianqi dianci dianjie dianjiu dianju ?

惦记 diàn to think of / to keep thinking about / to be concerned about
点击 diǎn to hit / to press / to strike (on the keyboard) / to click (a web page button)
电机 diàn electrical machinery
电极 diàn electrode
奠基 diàn to lay a foundation
电击 diàn electric shock
典籍 diǎn ancient books or records
点积 diǎn dot product (math.)
奠济宫 Diàn gōng Dianji Temple in Keelung, Taiwan
奠祭 diàn pouring of wine on ground for sacrifice
淀积 diàn (geology) to illuviate

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