English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: design designed designer ?

画图 huà to draw designs, maps etc / picture (e.g. of life in the city)
彩绘 cǎi huì painted / colored painted-on designs
心术 xīn shù designs / schemes / intentions / scheming / calculating (of a person)
龙套 lóng tào costume of minor characters in opera, featuring dragon designs / walk-on
不怀好意 huái hǎo to harbor evil designs / to harbor malicious intentions
狼子野心 láng xīn ambition of wild wolves (idiom); rapacious designs
见财起意 jiàn cái seeing riches provokes evil designs
衍化 yǎn huà to evolve (of ideas, designs, constructions etc) / to develop and change

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