English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: designated ?

特定 dìng special; specific; designated; particular
指定 zhǐ dìng to appoint / to assign / to indicate clearly and with certainty / designated
命名 mìng míng to give a name to / to dub / to christen / to designate / named after / naming
定点 dìng diǎn to determine a location / designated / appointed / specific / fixed (time) / fixed point (geometry) / fixed-point (number)
simplified form of 諮 (Note: In practice, 咨 is usually used in simplified Chinese rather than 谘, even though 咨 is not officially designated as the simplified form of 諮.)
专区 zhuān area established for a designated purpose / (PRC subprovincial administrative region 1949-1975) prefecture
指明 zhǐ míng to show clearly / to designate / to indicate
wèi to speak / to say / to name / to designate / meaning / sense
钦定 qīn dìng to authorize; to designate / (old) to be compiled and published by imperial command
圈定 quān dìng to highlight sth by drawing a circle around it / (fig.) to designate; to delineate
指名 zhǐ míng to mention by name / to designate / designated
结界 jié jiè (Buddhism) to designate the boundaries of a sacred place within which monks are to be trained; a place so designated / (fantasy fiction) force field; invisible barrier (orthographic borrowing from Japanese 結界 "kekkai")
候任 hòu rèn -elect / designate / (i.e. elected or appointed but not yet installed)
定点厂 dìng diǎn chǎng factory designated by the state to make a particular product
定点茶 dìng diǎn chá (Tw) (euphemism) prostitute service at a massage parlor or other place designated by the service provider
溥俊 jùn a Qing prince who was the designated successor to emperor Guangxu until the Boxer uprising
生肖属相 shēng xiào shǔ xiàng birth year as designated by animal symbols (mouse, ox, tiger etc)
监视居住 jiān shì zhù (PRC law) residential surveillance / to order sb to stay at their home, or a designated location, under surveillance
订定 dìng dìng to set / to designate / to stipulate / to provide / to draw up / to formulate (rules etc) / stipulation

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