English to Chinese Dictionary


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哪里 where? / somewhere / anywhere / wherever / nowhere (negative answer to question) / humble expression denying compliment / also written 哪裡|哪里
哪里 where? / somewhere / anywhere / wherever / nowhere (negative answer to question) / humble expression denying compliment
否认 fǒu rèn to declare to be untrue / to deny
否定 fǒu dìng to negate / to deny / to reject / negative (answer) / negation
锁定 suǒ dìng to lock (a door) / to close with a latch / to lock into place / a lock / a latch / to lock a computer file (to prevent it being overwritten) / to lock (denying access to a computer system or device or files, e.g. by password-protection) / to focus attention on / to target
fǒu to negate / to deny / not
驳斥 chì to refute / to debunk / to deny / to denounce
转口 zhuǎn kǒu entrepot / transit (of goods) / (coll.) to deny / to go back on one's word
矢口否认 shǐ kǒu fǒu rèn to deny flatly
一笔抹杀 shā to blot out at one stroke / to reject out of hand / to deny without a hearing
狡赖 jiǎo lài to deny (through sophism)
改嘴 gǎi zuǐ to deny / to go back on one's word
不容置辩 róng zhì biàn peremptory / not to be denied / not brooking argument
一口 kǒu readily / flatly (deny, admit and so on) / a mouthful / a bite
辟谣 yáo to refute a rumor / to deny
有木有 yǒu yǒu (slang) come on, you can't deny it! / don't you think so?! / (melodramatic form of 有沒有|有没有[you3 mei2 you3])
一推六二五 tuī liù èr 1 divided by 16 is 0.0625 (abacus rule) / (fig.) to deny responsibility; to pass the buck
一神论 shén lùn monotheism / unitarianism (denying the Trinity)
不服罪 zuì to deny a crime / to plead not guilty
哪儿的话 nǎr de huà (coll.) not at all (humble expression denying compliment) / don't mention it
打赖 lài to deny / to disclaim / to disavow
禁见 jìn jiàn to deny a detainee visitation privileges
范缜 Fàn Zhěn Fan Zhen (c. 450-c. 510), philosopher from Qi and Liang of the Southern dynasties, as atheist denying Buddhist teachings on karma and rebirth

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