English to Chinese Dictionary


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nest / pit or hollow on the human body / lair / den / place / to harbor or shelter / to hold in check / to bend / classifier for litters and broods
巢穴 cháo xué lair / nest / den / hideout
窝点 diǎn lair; den (of illegal activities)
窝子 zi lair / den / stronghold
dèn to yank / to pull tight
龙潭虎穴 lóng tán xué lit. dragon's pool and tiger's den (idiom) / fig. dangerous place / hostile territory
虎口 kǒu tiger's den / dangerous place / the web between the thumb and forefinger of a hand
渊薮 yuān sǒu (lit.) gathering place of fish or other creatures / (fig.) haunt; lair; nest; den; hotbed
赌窝 gamblers' den / illegal casino
匪穴 fěi xué bandit den; rebel stronghold
dèn variant of 扽[den4]
兽穴 shòu xué animal den
羊入虎口 yáng kǒu lit. a lamb in a tiger's den (idiom) / fig. to tread dangerous ground
席凡宁根 fán níng gēn Scheveningen, resort in Den Haag (The Hague), Netherlands
狗窦 gǒu dòu dog hole / gap caused by missing teeth / fig. den of thieves
盗薮 dào sǒu bandits' den
销金窟 xiāo jīn money squandering establishment (e.g. gambling den, brothel etc)

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