English to Chinese Dictionary


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shén god; deity / supernatural; magical; mysterious / spirit; mind; energy / lively; expressive / look; expression / (coll.) awesome; amazing
fèng to offer (tribute) / to present respectfully (to superior, ancestor, deity etc) / to esteem / to revere / to believe in (a religion) / to wait upon / to accept orders (from superior)
灵异 líng deity / monster / strange / mysterious / supernatural
金刚 jīn gāng diamond / (used to translate Sanskrit "vajra", a thunderbolt or mythical weapon) / guardian deity (in Buddhist iconography)
大神 shén deity / (Internet slang) guru / expert / whiz
还愿 huán yuàn to redeem a vow (to a deity) / to fulfill a promise / votive
神明 shén míng deities / gods
哪吒 zhā Nezha, protection deity
现身 xiàn shēn to show oneself / to appear / (of a deity) to appear in the flesh
天神 tiān shén god / deity
奉祀 fèng to worship / to pay respects to (a deity, ancestor etc) / (of a shrine or temple) to be dedicated to (a deity, ancestor etc)
you (used to address a deity)
城隍 Chéng Huáng Shing Wong (deity in Chinese mythology)
天仙 tiān xiān immortal (esp. female) / deity / fairy / Goddess / fig. beautiful woman
神人 shén rén God / deity
真武 Zhēn Lord of profound heaven, major Daoist deity / aka Black Tortoise 玄武 or Black heavenly emperor 玄天上帝
朱雀 Zhū què (ancient Chinese astronomy) Zhuque, the Vermilion Bird (the southern quadrant of the sky) / (Daoism) the guardian deity of the south
天尊 tiān zūn (honorific appellation of a deity)
敬神 jìng shén to respect a deity / to pray to a God
崇奉 chóng fèng to believe in (a deity or other supernatural being) / to worship
本尊 běn zūn (Buddhism) yidam (one's chosen meditational deity) / the principal object of worship on a Buddhist altar / (of a monk who has the ability to appear in multiple places at the same time) the honored one himself (contrasted with his alternate forms, 分身[fen1 shen1]) / (fig.) (jocular) the genuine article / the real McCoy / the man himself / the woman herself / the original manifestation of sth (not a spin-off or a clone)
拜拜 bài bai to pay one's respects by bowing with hands in front of one's chest clasping joss sticks, or with palms pressed together / (Tw) religious ceremony in which offerings are made to a deity
Xiān Ahura Mazda, the creator deity in Zoroastrianism
金刚怒目 jīn gāng - (idiom) to have a face as terrifying as a temple's guardian deity
维达 Wéi Vidar (Norse deity)

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