English to Chinese Dictionary


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一早 zǎo early in the morning / at dawn
曙光 shǔ guāng the first light of dawn / (fig.) glimmer of hope after a dark period; a new beginning
觉醒 jué xǐng to awaken / to come to realize / awakened to the truth / the truth dawns upon one / scales fall from the eyes / to become aware
从早到晚 cóng zǎo dào wǎn from morning till night / from dawn to dusk / all day long
黎明 míng dawn; daybreak
一大早 zǎo at dawn / at first light / first thing in the morning
chén morning / dawn / daybreak
dawn / rising sun
dàn (literary) dawn; daybreak / dan, female role in Chinese opera (traditionally played by specialized male actors)
xīn dawn
朝朝暮暮 zhāo zhāo from dawn to dusk / all the time
xiǎo dawn / daybreak / to know / to let sb know / to make explicit
hán before daybreak / dawn about to break / (used in given names)
天明 tiān míng dawn / daybreak
启明 míng Classical Chinese name for planet Venus in the east before dawn
晨曦 chén first rays of morning sun / first glimmer of dawn
旷古 kuàng since the dawn of time / from the year dot
shǔ (bound form) daybreak; dawn / Taiwan pr. [shu4]
拂晓 xiǎo daybreak / approach of dawn
破晓 xiǎo daybreak / dawn
fǎng dawn / to begin
mèi dawn / place name
开窍 kāi qiào to get it straight / to start to understand things properly / enlightenment dawns
蒙蒙亮 mēng mēng liàng dawn / the first glimmer of light
平明 píng míng (literary) dawn / daybreak / impartial and astute

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