English to Chinese Dictionary


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整理 zhěng to arrange / to tidy up / to sort out / to straighten out / to list systematically / to collate (data, files) / to pack (luggage)
háng row / line / commercial firm / line of business / profession / to rank (first, second etc) among one's siblings (by age) / (in data tables) row / (Tw) column
liè to arrange / to line up / file / series / (in data tables) column / (Tw) row
材料 cái liào (raw) material / data / (fig.) person who has the potential to do the job
数据 shù data
资料 liào material / resources / data / information / profile (Internet) / CL:份[fen4],個|个[ge4]
流量 liú liàng flow rate; throughput of passengers; volume of traffic / (hydrology) discharge / data traffic; network traffic; website traffic; mobile data
lán fence / railing / hurdle / column or box (of text or other data)
填写 tián xiě to fill in a form / to write data in a box (on a questionnaire or web form)
大数据 shù big data (computing)
导入 dǎo to introduce into / to channel / to lead / to guide into / to import (data)
切换 qiē huàn to switch over / to switch modes or data streams / to cut (to a new scene)
检索 jiǎn suǒ to retrieve (data) / to look up / retrieval / search
读取 (of a computer etc) to read (data)
导出 dǎo chū to derive / derived / derivation / to entail / to induce / to export (data)
文库 wén collection of documents / library / book series / sequence of data, esp. genome
汇总 huì zǒng to gather (data etc)
字段 duàn (numeric, data) field
存档 cún dàng to archive; to place on file / saved data (for a video game etc)
史料 shǐ liào historical material or data
转发 zhuǎn to transmit / to forward (mail, SMS, packets of data) / to pass on / to republish (an article from another publication)
行号 háng hào (computing) (text file) line number; (data table or spreadsheet) row number / (Tw) unincorporated firm (typically a smaller business such as a sole proprietorship or partnership)
阵列 zhèn liè (computing) array (data structure) / (hardware) array (photovoltaic cells, radio telescopes etc)
铭牌 míng pái nameplate / data plate (on a machine)
存取 cún to store and retrieve (money, belongings etc) / (computing) to access (data)

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