English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: dasheng dashang daqing dachang daxing dacheng dazhong dachong ?

shuài (bound form) commander-in-chief / (bound form) to lead; to command / handsome; graceful; dashing; elegant / (coll.) cool!; sweet! / (Chinese chess) general (on the red side, equivalent to a king in Western chess)
新锐 xīn ruì cutting-edge (in technology, science, fashion, the arts etc) / novel and competitive / new and dashing
英姿 yīng heroic bearing / dashing figure
帅气 shuài qi handsome / smart / dashing / elegant
huò cook / dashing of water
pēng noise of dashing waves
风流倜傥 fēng liú tǎng suave; debonair; dashing
péng roar of dashing waves
huò dashing of waves
蹿房越脊 cuān fáng yuè lit. to leap the house and cross the roofridge (idiom); dashing over rooftops (of robbers and pursuing knight-errant 俠客|侠客 in fiction)
剑眉星目 jiàn méi - xīng (idiom) straight, thick, upward-inclined eyebrows and eyes that are bright and full of spirit; striking, handsome features; dashing, heroic appearance
闯王陵 Chuǎng Wáng líng mausoleum to the late-Ming peasant rebel leader Li Zicheng 李自成[Li3 Ze4 cheng2], nicknamed Dashing King 闖王|闯王[Chuang3 Wang2]

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