English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: do day to dai da tao duo diao ?

dào to reach; to arrive / to leave for; to go to / to (a place); until (a time); up to (a point) / (verb complement indicating arriving at a place or reaching a point) / considerate; thoughtful; thorough
dǎo to fall; to collapse; to lie horizontally / to fail; to go bankrupt / to overthrow / to change (trains or buses) / to move around / to resell at a profit
dào to invert; to place upside down or frontside back / to pour out / to tip out; to dump / inverted; upside down; reversed / to go backward / contrary to what one might expect; but; yet
dào road; path (CL:條|条[tiao2],股[gu3]) / (bound form) way; reason; principle / (bound form) a skill; an art; a specialization / (Daoism) the Way; the Dao / to say (introducing a direct quotation, as in a novel) / (bound form) to express; to extend (polite words) / classifier for long thin things (rivers, cracks etc), barriers (walls, doors etc), questions (in an exam etc), commands, courses in a meal, steps in a process / (old) circuit (administrative division)
dāo knife / blade / single-edged sword / cutlass / CL:把[ba3] / (slang) dollar (loanword) / classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper) / classifier for knife cuts or stabs
dǎo island / CL:個|个[ge4],座[zuo4]
dǎo variant of 島|岛[dao3]
道教 Dào jiào Taoism / Daoism (Chinese system of beliefs)
dào to steal / to rob / to plunder / thief / bandit / robber
玄机 xuán profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhism) / mysterious principles
dǎo to transmit / to lead / to guide / to conduct / to direct
dào paddy / rice (Oryza sativa)
修道 xiū dào to practice Daoism
Dāo surname Dao
玄武 Xuán Black Tortoise (the seven mansions of the north sky) / (in Daoism) God of the north sky
法宝 bǎo Buddha's teaching / Buddhist monk's apparel, staff etc / (Daoism) magic weapon / talisman / fig. specially effective device / magic wand
老子 Lǎo Laozi or Lao-tze (c. 500 BC), Chinese philosopher, the founder of Taoism / the sacred book of Daoism, 道德經|道德经[Dao4 de2 jing1] by Laozi
太阴 tài yīn the Moon (esp. in Daoism)
dǎo to pound / to beat / to hull / to attack / to disturb / to stir
修行 xiū xíng to devote oneself to spiritual development (esp. Buddhism or Daoism) / to devote oneself to perfecting one's art or craft
三魂七魄 sān hún three immortal souls and seven mortal forms in Daoism, contrasting the spiritual and carnal side of man
羽化 huà levitation (of Daoist immortal) / to become as light as a feather and ascend to heaven / (in Daoism) to become immortal / to die / of winged insects, to emerge from the cocoon in adult form / eclosion
dāo deuterium 2H / heavy hydrogen, isotope of hydrogen having 1 neutron in its nucleus, so atomic weight 2
dào to mourn / to lament
dào cover over / to envelope

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