English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: dancong danqing danceng danjing danxing dancheng danxin danxiang ?

跳舞 tiào to dance
to dance / to wield / to brandish
池子 chí zi pond / bathhouse pool / dance floor of a ballroom / (old) stalls (front rows in a theater)
舞蹈 dǎo dance (performance art) / dancing
歌舞 singing and dancing
秧歌 yāng ge Yangge, a popular rural folk dance
舞厅 tīng dance hall / ballroom / CL:間|间[jian1]
小车 xiǎo chē small model car / mini-car / small horse-cart / barrow / wheelbarrow / type of folk dance
国标 guó biāo national standard (abbr. for 國家標準|国家标准[guo2 jia1 biao1 zhun3]) / international standard ballroom dancing (abbr. for 國際標準舞|国际标准舞[guo2 ji4 biao1 zhun3 wu3])
翩翩 piān piān elegant / graceful / smart / to dance lightly
翩翩起舞 piān piān (to start) dancing lightly and gracefully
劲舞 jìng to dance energetically / vigorous modern style of dance
舞曲 dance music
钢管 gāng guǎn steel pipe / pole (in pole dancing)
suō uneven / unsteady (in dancing)
双人舞 shuāng rén dance for two / pas de deux
桑巴 sāng samba (dance) (loanword)
xiān to manner of dancing / to walk around
街舞 jiē street dance (e.g. breakdance)
舞者 zhě dancer
燕赵 Yān Zhào Yan and Zhao, two of the Warring States in Hebei and Shanxi / beautiful women / women dancers and singers
灯会 dēng huì carnival during the Lantern Festival, with lantern displays and traditional folk performances such as stilt walking and lion dance
舞动 dòng to move as in a dance / to wave (some implement) / to flourish / (of eyes, hands etc) to dance / to flutter
舞会 huì dance / ball / party / CL:場|场[chang3]
探戈 tàn tango (dance) (loanword)

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