English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: dan dim damn dama team dame damo dm ?

zhá sluice; sluice gate / to dam up water / (coll.) brake / (coll.) electric switch
堤坝 dam / dike
dam / dike; embankment / CL:條|条[tiao2]
jué to decide / to determine / to execute (sb) / (of a dam etc) to breach or burst / definitely / certainly
大名 míng Daming county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei
大明湖 míng Daming Lake in Jinan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan2], Shandong
大坝 dam
水闸 shuǐ zhá sluice / water gate / waterlocks / floodgate / lock / dam
kuì (bound form) (of floodwaters) to break through a dam or dike / (bound form) to break through (a military encirclement) / (bound form) to be routed; to be overrun; to fall to pieces / (bound form) to fester; to ulcerate
水坝 shuǐ dam / dike
决口 jué kǒu (of a watercourse) to breach its banks / (of a dam) to burst
dài dam
垮塌 kuǎ to collapse (of building, dam or bridge)
葛洲坝 zhōu name of a place, Gezhouba Dam on the Changjiang River, in Sichuan
yīn bury / mound / to dam / close
è dam / to stop / check
土坝 earth dam / dam of earth and rocks (as opposed to waterproof dam of clay or concrete)
yīn to restrain / to dam a stream and change its direction / a mound
拦河坝 lán a dam across a river
溃决 kuì jué (of a dike or dam) to burst
冲决 chōng jué to burst (e.g. a dam)
冲决 chōng jué to burst (e.g. a dam)
塘堰 táng yàn irrigation pond or dam
fèi dam up water with rocks
紫坪铺 píng Zipingpu Dam, Sichuan

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