English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: day dead dai da dao do did die ?

爸爸 ba (coll.) father; dad / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
father / dad / pa / papa
大大 greatly / enormously / (dialect) dad / uncle
diē dad
爸妈 dad and mom
老爸 lǎo father; dad
奶爸 nǎi stay-at-home dad
阿爹 ā diē dad / father / (paternal) grandfather / old man
靠北 kào běi (lit.) to cry over one's dad's death (from Taiwanese 哭爸, Tai-lo pr. [khàu-pē]) / (slang) (Tw) to rattle on; to carp; stop whining!; shut the hell up!; fuck!; damn!
宝爸 bǎo a dad (father of a young child)

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