English to Chinese Dictionary


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quarter (hour) / moment / to carve / to engrave / to cut / oppressive / classifier for short time intervals
tuī to push / to cut / to refuse / to reject / to decline / to shirk (responsibility) / to put off / to delay / to push forward / to nominate / to elect / massage
duàn to break / to snap / to cut off / to give up or abstain from sth / to judge / (usu. used in the negative) absolutely / definitely / decidedly
明确 míng què clear-cut; definite; explicit / to clarify; to specify; to make definite
dāo knife / blade / single-edged sword / cutlass / CL:把[ba3] / (slang) dollar (loanword) / classifier for sets of one hundred sheets (of paper) / classifier for knife cuts or stabs
理发 to get a haircut; to have one's hair done / to cut (sb's) hair; to give (sb) a haircut
qiē to cut; to slice; to carve / (math) tangential
huá to cut / to slash / to scratch (cut into the surface of sth) / to strike (a match)
降价 jiàng jià to cut the price / to drive down the price / to get cheaper
节省 jié shěng saving / to save / to use sparingly / to cut down on
鲜明 xiān míng (of colors) bright; fresh and clear / clear-cut; distinct
jiǎn scissors / shears / clippers / CL:把[ba3] / to cut with scissors / to trim / to wipe out or exterminate
中断 zhōng duàn to cut short / to break off / to discontinue / to interrupt
jué to cut short / extinct / to disappear / to vanish / absolutely / by no means
截止 jié zhǐ to end; to close / (electricity) cut-off
伤口 shāng kǒu wound / cut
xiāo to peel with a knife / to pare / to cut (a ball at tennis etc)
分割 fēn to cut up / to break up
切割 qiē to cut
kǎn to chop / to cut down / to throw sth at sb
kōu to dig; to pick; to scratch (with a finger or sth pointed) / to carve; to cut / to study meticulously / stingy; miserly / to lift up (esp. the hem of a robe)
停电 tíng diàn to have a power failure / power cut
切断 qiē duàn to cut off; to sever
口子 kǒu zi hole / opening / cut / gap / gash / my husband or wife / classifier for people (used for indicating the number of people in a family etc) / precedent
绝缘 jué yuán to have no contact with / to be cut off from / (electricity) to insulate

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