English to Chinese Dictionary


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yóu oil / fat / grease / petroleum / to apply tung oil, paint or varnish / oily / greasy / glib / cunning
机械 xiè machine / machinery / mechanical / (old) cunning / scheming
狡猾 jiǎo huá crafty; cunning; sly
油嘴 yóu zuǐ eloquent and cunning / silver tongued
机巧 qiǎo cunning / dexterous / ingenious
jiǎo crafty / cunning / sly
jiāo cunning / pretty
白骨精 Bái jīng White Bone Spirit (in the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4]) / (fig.) sly and cunning person
狡诈 jiǎo zhà crafty / cunning / deceitful
诡计多端 guǐ duō duān deceitful in many ways (idiom); wily and mischievous / full of craft and cunning
促狭 xiá (coll.) teasing; mischievous / (coll.) cunning; sly
锦囊妙计 jǐn náng miào brocade sack of miracle plans (idiom); bag of tricks / fiendishly cunning masterplan (written out by strategic genius of fiction, and given to the local commander in a brocade bag)
老奸巨猾 lǎo jiān huá cunning / crafty / wily old fox
花花肠子 huā huā cháng zi (slang) a cunning plot
kuài crafty / cunning
九头鸟 jiǔ tóu niǎo legendary bird with nine heads (old) / cunning or sly person
狡狯 jiǎo kuài (literary) crafty / cunning
刁悍 diāo hàn cunning and fierce
chán cunning / artful
xiān cunning / slender
鸡贼 zéi (dialect) stingy / miserly / crafty / cunning
勇略 yǒng lüè brave and cunning
老狐狸 lǎo li old fox / fig. cunning person
鬼计多端 guǐ duō duān full of devilish tricks and cunning stratagems (idiom) / sly / crafty / malicious
奸狡 jiān jiǎo devious / cunning

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