English to Chinese Dictionary


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盒子 zi box; case / hezi – a savory turnover-like pie in northern Chinese and Mongolian cuisines
silk / thread-like thing; (cuisine) shreds or julienne strips / classifier: a trace (of smoke etc), a tiny bit etc
料理 liào to arrange / to handle / to cook / cuisine / art of cooking
菜系 cài (regional) cuisine
川菜 Chuān cài Sichuan or Szechuan cuisine
粤菜 Yuè cài Cantonese cuisine
鲁菜 cài Shandong cuisine
陈皮 chén dried tangerine peel (used in cuisine and traditional Chinese medicine)
八大菜系 cài the eight major cuisines of China, namely 川魯粵蘇浙閩湘徽|川鲁粤苏浙闽湘徽[Chuan1 Lu3 Yue4 Su1 Zhe4 Min3 Xiang1 Hui1]
药膳 yào shàn medicinal cuisine
bǎn (Hakka cuisine) snacks made from glutinous rice flour (rice cakes, noodles etc)
闽菜 Mǐn cài Fujian cuisine
湘菜 Xiāng cài Hunan cuisine
潮州 Cháo zhōu Chaozhou or Teochew prefecture-level city in Guangdong 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 Sheng3], with famous cuisine / Chaochou town in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan / Chaozhou, variant of Minnan dialect 閩南語|闽南语[Min3 nan2 yu3] spoken in east Guangdong
烤麸 kǎo kao fu, a spongy wheat gluten product used in Chinese cuisine
徽菜 Huī cài Anhui cuisine
摒挡 bìng dàng (literary) to put in order; to arrange / cuisine
和食 shí Japanese cuisine
鱼香 xiāng yuxiang, a seasoning of Chinese cuisine that typically contains garlic, scallions, ginger, sugar, salt, chili peppers etc (Although "yuxiang" literally means "fish fragrance", it contains no seafood.)
凤爪 fèng zhǎo chicken feet (cuisine)
烧味 shāo wèi siu mei / spit-roasted meat dish in Cantonese cuisine
出汁 chū zhī dashi (soup stock used in Japanese cuisine) (orthographic borrowing from Japanese)
苏菜 cài Jiangsu cuisine
鸡珍 zhēn chicken gizzard (cuisine)
中国菜 Zhōng guó cài Chinese cuisine

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