English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: cui que cu cuo ce che c cause ?

球杆 qiú gān club (golf) / cue (billiards) / also written 球桿|球杆[qiu2 gan1]
韵事 yùn shì poetic occasion / elegant situation / in literature, the cue for a poem
Q Q cute (loanword) / (of food) having a pleasant chewiness (like mochi, tapioca pearls, taro balls etc – foods with a springy or gel-like mouthfeel) / (loanword) to cue sb
主球 zhǔ qiú cue ball (in pool etc)
母球 qiú cue ball (in billiards)
球竿 qiú gān cue (billiards) / club (golf) / stick (hockey)

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