English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: c chu qu gu co ci cui ku ?

(of sth long) wide; thick / (of sth granular) coarse / (of a voice) gruff / (of sb's manner etc) rough; crude; careless; rude
variant of 粗[cu1]
remote; distant / variant of 粗[cu1]
vinegar / jealousy (in love rivalry)
(bound form) of short duration; hasty; rapid / (bound form) to hasten; to hurry; to urge / (literary) close by; pressed against
crowded / framework for silkworms / gather foliage / bunch / classifier for bunched objects
carefully / to kick / to tread on / to stamp
variant of 猝[cu4]
to go / to reach
to knit (one's brows) / wrinkled (of brows) / to hesitate / distressed
variant of 蹴[cu4]
abruptly; suddenly; unexpectedly
to die
collect / frame for silk worm / nest
石青 shí qīng azurite / copper azurite 2CuCO3-Cu(OH)2 / azure blue
(skin disease)
to butt against
chapped skin
carefully / level / smooth
variant of 醋[cu4]
variant of 麤|粗[cu1]
variant of 粗[cu1]
variant of 蹙[cu4]
巴黎绿 Paris green / copper(II) acetoarsenite Cu(C2H3O2)2·3Cu(AsO2)2

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