English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: chupan chupin koupan ?

抵用 yòng to exchange for (sth of equal value or utility); to use in lieu; to redeem (a coupon etc); to use to offset (an amount owed etc)
礼券 quàn gift voucher / gift coupon
粮票 liáng piào coupons for food or grain used in a PRC economic program c. 1955-1993
抵用券 yòng quàn coupon / voucher
优惠券 yōu huì quàn coupon
代金券 dài jīn quàn voucher; coupon
优待券 yōu dài quàn discount coupon / complimentary ticket
息票 piào interest coupon / dividend coupon
消费券 xiāo fèi quàn voucher; coupon
股票代号 piào dài hào ticker symbol (to identify share coupon)
购物券 gòu quàn coupon
返券黄牛 fǎn quàn huáng niú "shopping coupon scalper", sb who sells unwanted or returned shopping coupons to others for a profit
酷碰 pèng (loanword) coupon
酷碰券 pèng quàn (loanword) coupon

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