English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: couch chough coach chuge cou gogh chugu coh ?

止咳 zhǐ to suppress coughing
咳嗽 sou to cough / CL:陣|阵[zhen4]
luò to cough up / also pr. [ka3]
放血 fàng xiě (TCM) to practice bloodletting / (medicine) to perform phlebotomy / (coll.) to make sb bleed; to inflict grievous wounds / (fig.) to cough up a large amount of money / (fig.) to reduce prices drastically
咳痰 tán to cough up phlegm / to expectorate
吐血 xiě to cough up blood / (coll.) (used figuratively to indicate an extreme degree of anger or frustration etc)
含片 hán piàn lozenge; cough drop
款冬 kuǎn dōng coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), plant in sunflower family Asteracae used a cough suppressant
sòu (bound form) to cough
咯血 xiě to cough up blood; to have hemoptysis
咳血 xiě to cough up blood
干咳 gān to cough without phlegm / a dry cough
(onom.) sound of coughing or vomiting
百日咳 bǎi whooping cough / pertussis
cough slightly
kài to cough
吭吭 kēng kēng (onom.) coughing, grunting etc
镇咳 zhèn cough suppressant
止咳糖浆 zhǐ táng jiāng cough suppressant syrup / cough mixture
枇杷膏 gāo Pei Pa Koa, proprietary cough syrup made with traditional Chinese herbs
咳呛 qiàng (dialect) to cough
飞沫传染 fēi chuán rǎn droplet infection (disease transmission from sneezing, coughing etc)
京都念慈庵 Jīng Niàn ān King-to Nin Jiom, or just Nin Jiom, manufacturer of 枇杷膏[pi2 pa2 gao1] cough medicine
北京咳 Běi jīng "Beijing cough", respiratory problems caused by dry and polluted Beijing air, typically experienced by non-acclimated foreigners who would otherwise have no such problems

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