English to Chinese Dictionary


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to spit / to send out (silk from a silkworm, bolls from cotton flowers etc) / to say / to pour out (one's grievances)
tán to pluck (a string) / to play (a string instrument) / to spring or leap / to shoot (e.g. with a catapult) / (of cotton) to fluff or tease / to flick / to flip / to accuse / to impeach / elastic (of materials)
mián generic term for cotton or kapok / cotton / padded or quilted with cotton
棉花 mián hua cotton
shā cotton yarn / muslin
会意 huì combined ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书[liu4 shu1] of forming Chinese characters) / Chinese character that combines the meanings of existing elements / also known as joint ideogram or associative compound / to comprehend without being told explicitly / to cotton on / knowing (smile, glance etc)
种花 zhòng huā to grow flowers / (dialect) to vaccinate / (dialect) to grow cotton
fǎng to spin (cotton or hemp etc) / fine woven silk fabric
开裂 kāi liè to split open / to dehisce (of fruit or cotton bolls, to split open)
cotton wadding / fig. padding / long-winded
木棉 mián cotton tree (Bombax ceiba)
棉签 mián qiān cotton swab
涤棉 mián polyester-cotton blend
棉裤 mián quilted cotton trousers / cotton-padded trousers (worn in winter)
布衣 plain cotton clothing / (literary) the common people
药棉 yào mián sterilized cotton (used for medical swabs)
纯棉 chún mián pure cotton / 100% cotton
kuàng fine floss-silk or cotton
棉衣 mián cotton-padded clothes / CL:件[jian4]
芙蓉 róng cotton rose hibiscus (Hibiscus mutabilis) / lotus / foo yung (Chinese dish similar to an omelet)
棉纱 mián shā cotton yarn
棉布 mián cotton cloth
棉线 mián xiàn cotton thread / yarn cotton
纺纱 fǎng shā to spin (cotton, wool etc) / spinning
棉絮 mián cotton wadding

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