English to Chinese Dictionary


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成本 chéng běn (manufacturing, production etc) costs
拼命 pīn mìng to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it
付费 fèi to pay / to cover the costs
全力以赴 quán to do at all costs / to make an all-out effort
极力 to make a supreme effort / at all costs
切记 qiè remember at all costs
分摊 fēn tān to share (costs, responsibilities) / to apportion
倒挂 dào guà lit. to hang upside down / fig. topsy-turvy and inequitable, e.g. manufacturing and trading costs exceed the sale price (of some goods) / to borrow more than one can ever repay
杂费 fèi incidental costs / sundries / extras
车钱 chē qián fare / transport costs
拼死拼活 pīn pīn huó one's utmost / (to fight or work) desperately hard / to put up a life or death struggle / at all costs
惠而不费 huì ér fèi a kind act that costs nothing
拼房 pīn fáng to rent a place with sb else to share the costs
拼餐 pīn cān (of people with tight budget) to enjoy various dishes at the restaurant by ordering the food together and then sharing the costs
拼客 pīn person who joins with others to reduce costs (carpooling, group buying, sharing an apartment etc)
白拣 bái jiǎn a cheap choice / to choose sth that costs nothing
交通费 jiāo tōng fèi transport costs
生产成本 shēng chǎn chéng běn production costs
礼多人不怪 duō rén guài nobody will find fault with extra courtesy (idiom) / courtesy costs nothing
维持费 wéi chí fèi maintenance costs
总成本 zǒng chéng běn total costs
词讼费 sòng fèi legal fees / costs (of a lawsuit)

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