English to Chinese Dictionary


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shuǐ water / (after a name) ... River / to swim (used mostly in 會水|会水[hui4shui3] and 水性[shui3xing4]) / (coll.) lacking in substance; shoddy / (bound form) additional cost; extra income / classifier for washings of a garment
fèi to cost / to spend / fee / wasteful / expenses
费用 fèi yòng cost / expenditure / expense / CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]
代价 dài jià price / cost / consideration (in share dealing)
房价 fáng jià house price / cost of housing
花费 huā fèi expense / cost / to spend (time or money) / expenditure
生活费 shēng huó fèi cost of living / living expenses / alimony
划算 huá suàn to calculate / to weigh (pros and cons) / to view as profitable / worthwhile / value for money / cost-effective
造价 zào jià construction cost
廉价 lián jià cheaply-priced; low-cost
分担 fēn dān to share (a burden, a cost, a responsibility)
无偿 cháng free; no charge; at no cost
性价比 xìng jià cost-performance ratio
耗资 hào to spend / expenditure / to cost
抛售 pāo shòu to dump (selling abroad more cheaply than cost price at home)
价款 jià kuǎn cost
机会成本 huì chéng běn opportunity cost
运价 yùn jià fare / transport cost
不菲 fěi considerable (cost etc) / bountiful (crop etc) / high (social status etc)
煞费苦心 shà fèi xīn to take a lot of trouble (idiom); painstaking / at the cost of a lot of effort
转嫁 zhuǎn jià to remarry (of widow) / to pass on (blame, cost, obligation, unpleasant consequence etc) / to transfer (blame, guilt) / to pass the buck
顺水人情 shùn shuǐ rén qíng to do sb a favor at little cost
食玉炊桂 shí chuī guì food is more precious than jade and firewood more expensive than cassia (idiom) / the cost of living is very high
赔上 péi shàng to pay for sth with the loss of (one's health etc) / to have sth come at the cost of (one's reputation etc)
摊钱 tān qián to bear part of the cost

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