English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: choking coking coming caokong coaxing coining caoxing choosing ?

tàng to scald / to burn (by scalding) / to blanch (cooking) / to heat (sth) up in hot water / to perm / to iron / scalding hot
zhēng to evaporate / (of cooking) to steam / torch made from hemp stalks or bamboo (old) / finely chopped firewood (old)
点心 diǎn xin light refreshments / pastry / dim sum (in Cantonese cooking) / dessert
料理 liào to arrange / to handle / to cook / cuisine / art of cooking
便饭 biàn fàn an ordinary meal / simple home cooking
dǐng ancient cooking cauldron with two looped handles and three or four legs / pot (dialect) / to enter upon a period of (classical) / Kangxi radical 206 / one of the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes
厨艺 chú cooking skills / culinary talent
配方 pèi fāng prescription / cooking recipe / formulation / completing the square (to solve quadratic equation, math.)
烹饪 pēng rèn cooking; culinary arts
zhuǎ (coll.) foot of an animal or bird / (coll.) foot supporting a cooking pot etc
配料 pèi liào ingredients (in a cooking recipe) / to mix materials according to directions
做菜 zuò cài to cook / cooking
碱水 jiǎn shuǐ lye water; alkaline water (used in cooking)
炊事 chuī shì cooking
和风 fēng breeze / (Tw) Japanese-style (cooking etc)
加盖 jiā gài to seal (with an official stamp) / to stamp / (fig.) to ratify / to put a lid on (a cooking pot) / to cap / to build an extension or additional story
炒菜 chǎo cài to stir-fry / to do the cooking / stir-fried dish
夹心 jiā xīn to fill with stuffing (e.g. in cooking) / stuffed
铁锅 tiě guō iron cooking pot
禁烟 jìn yān to ban smoking / to quit smoking / to prohibit cooking / prohibition on opium (esp. in China from 1729)
五香 xiāng five spice seasoned / incorporating the five basic flavors of Chinese cooking (sweet, sour, bitter, savory, salty)
料酒 liào jiǔ cooking wine
炊具 chuī cooking utensils / cookware / cooker
锅铲 guō chǎn wok spatula; cooking spatula
食油 shí yóu cooking oil

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