English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: conchae concisely consist ?

yuē to make an appointment / to invite / approximately / pact / treaty / to economize / to restrict / to reduce (a fraction) / concise
简洁 jiǎn jié concise / succinct / pithy
简要 jiǎn yào concise / brief
简述 jiǎn shù to outline / to summarize / to sketch / summary / brief description / concise narrative / in a nutshell / briefly
简章 jiǎn zhāng concise list of rules / brochure / pamphlet
扼要 è yào to the point / concise
简约 jiǎn yuē sketchy / concise / abbreviated
简明 jiǎn míng simple and clear / concise
简编 jiǎn biān concise edition; abridged edition; compendium
精粹 jīng cuì succinct / pure and concise
凝练 níng liàn concise / compact / condensed
言简意赅 yán jiǎn gāi concise and comprehensive (idiom)
点题 diǎn to bring out the main theme / to make the point / to bring out the substance concisely
短小精悍 duǎn xiǎo jīng hàn (of a person) short but plucky (idiom) / (of an article) concise and forceful
简本 jiǎn běn concise edition / abridged edition
要言不烦 yào yán fán to explain in simple terms / succinct / concise
一字褒贬 bāo biǎn lit. dispensing praise or blame with a single word (idiom) / fig. concise and powerful style
详略 xiáng lüè concise / the details in brief
中国小说史略 Zhōng guó Xiǎo shuō Shǐ lüè Concise History of the Chinese Novel by Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅[Lu3 Xun4]
精讲多练 jīng jiǎng duō liàn a teaching strategy combining a concise explanation of essential concepts with frequent practice
词约指明 yuē zhǐ míng concise but unambiguous (idiom)

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