English to Chinese Dictionary


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gài lid / top / cover / canopy / to cover / to conceal / to build
隐藏 yǐn cáng to hide / to conceal / to mask / to shelter / to harbor (i.e. keep sth hidden) / to hide oneself / to lie low / to nestle / hidden / implicit / private / covert / recessed (lighting)
cáng to conceal / to hide away / to harbor / to store / to collect
zhē to cover up (a shortcoming) / to screen off / to hide / to conceal
掩盖 yǎn gài to conceal / to hide behind / to cover up
隐患 yǐn huàn a danger concealed within sth / hidden damage / misfortune not visible from the surface
藏匿 cáng to cover up / to conceal / to go into hiding
隐蔽 yǐn to conceal / to hide / covert / under cover
隐瞒 yǐn mán to conceal / to hide (a taboo subject) / to cover up the truth
mán to conceal from / to keep (sb) in the dark
掩饰 yǎn shì to cover up / to conceal / to mask / to gloss over
躲藏 duǒ cáng to conceal oneself / to go into hiding / to take cover
qián hidden / secret / latent / to hide / to conceal / to submerge / to dive
shì decoration / ornament / to decorate / to adorn / to hide / to conceal (a fault) / excuse (to hide a fault) / to play a role (in opera) / to impersonate
yǎn to cover up; to conceal / to close (a door, book etc) / (coll.) to get (one's fingers etc) caught when closing a door or lid / (literary) to launch a surprise attack
to lean over / to fall (go down) / to hide (in ambush) / to conceal oneself / to lie low / hottest days of summer / to submit / to concede defeat / to overcome / to subdue / volt
遮掩 zhē yǎn to cover / to mask / to cover up or conceal (the truth etc)
潜伏 qián to hide / to cover up / to conceal
荫蔽 yìn to be shaded or concealed by foliage / to conceal / hidden / covert / shade (of a tree)
隐含 yǐn hán to contain in a concealed form / to keep covered up / implicit
yǐn (bound form) secret; hidden; concealed; crypto-
文饰 wén shì to polish a text / rhetoric / ornate language / to use florid language to conceal errors / to gloss over
瞒报 mán bào to conceal or deceive in a report / to falsify by over- or underreporting
to cover / to shield / to screen / to conceal
暗器 àn concealed weapon

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