English to Chinese Dictionary


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本子 běn zi book / notebook / Japanese-style self-published comic (esp. an erotic one), aka "dōjinshi" / CL:本[ben3] / edition
相声 xiàng sheng comic dialogue / sketch / crosstalk
海王 Hǎi wáng Poseidon, Greek god of the sea / Neptune, Roman god of the sea / Aquaman, DC comic book superhero / (slang) womanizer / player
超人 Chāo rén Superman, comic book superhero
鬼脸 guǐ liǎn wry face / to grimace / to pull a face / comic face / face mask / devil mask
捧哏 pěng gén straight man (supporting role in comic dialogue 對口相聲|对口相声[dui4kou3 xiang4sheng1]) / (of a straight man) to react with exasperation to the silliness of the funny man 逗哏[dou4gen2]
逗哏 dòu gén funny man (lead role in comic dialogue 對口相聲|对口相声[dui4 kou3 xiang4 sheng1]) / to joke / to play the fool / to provoke laughter
笑星 xiào xīng popular comedian / comic star
史奴比 Shǐ Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)
插科打诨 chā hùn to include impromptu comic material in opera performance (idiom); to jest / buffoonery
狂言 kuáng yán ravings / delirious utterances / kyōgen (a form of traditional Japanese comic theater)
史努比 Shǐ Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)
打诨 hùn to intersperse comic remarks (in a performance) / (fig.) to quip / to banter
谐星 xié xīng popular comedian / comic star
蝙蝠侠 Biān xiá Batman, comic book superhero
蜘蛛侠 Zhī zhū xiá Spider-Man, comic book superhero
连环图 lián huán comic strip
暴漫 bào màn rage comic
独角戏 jiǎo monodrama / one-man show / comic talk
金刚狼 Jīn gāng láng Wolverine, comic book superhero
钢铁侠 Gāng tiě xiá Iron Man, comic book superhero
加菲猫 Jiā fēi māo Garfield (comic strip cat created by Jim Davis)
单口相声 dān kǒu xiàng shēng comic monologue / one-person comic sketch
对口相声 duì kǒu xiàng shēng comic crosstalk / formalized comic dialogue between two stand-up comics: funny man 逗哏[dou4 gen2] and straight man 捧哏[peng3 gen2]
忍者神龟 Rěn zhě Shén guī Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, US comic book series, first appeared in 1984, also films, video games etc

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