English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: cooking cunning coming cixing coking gaining caijing caning ?

qián coin / money / CL:筆|笔[bi3] / unit of weight, one tenth of a tael 兩|两[liang3]
tóu to throw (sth in a specific direction: ball, javelin, grenade etc) / to cast (a ballot) / to cast (a glance, a shadow etc) / to put in (money for investment, a coin to operate a slot machine) / to send (a letter, a manuscript etc) / to throw oneself into (a river, a well etc to commit suicide) / to go to; to seek refuge; to place oneself into the hands of / (coll.) to rinse (clothes) in water
quán spring (small stream) / mouth of a spring / coin (archaic)
yáng ocean / vast / foreign / silver dollar or coin
méi classifier for small objects: coins, badges, rings, carved seals, chess pieces, eggs, fingerprints etc (more formal than 個|个[ge4]) / classifier for bombs, missiles, satellites etc / (on product packaging) classifier for flat items (from Japanese 枚 "mai") / (old) stick used as a gag to prevent soldiers from talking while sneaking up on the enemy
硬币 yìng coin / CL:枚[mei2]
wén language / culture / writing / formal / literary / gentle / (old) classifier for coins / Kangxi radical 67
money / coins / currency / silk
孔方兄 kǒng fāng xiōng (coll., humorous) money (so named because in former times, Chinese coins had a square hole in the middle)
金币 jīn gold coin
大头 tóu big head / mask in the shape of a big head / the larger end of sth / the main part / the lion's share / dupe / sucker / (old) silver coin with a bust of Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Shi4 kai3] on the obverse side
美分 Měi fēn one cent (United States coin)
投掷 tóu zhì to throw sth a long distance / to hurl / to throw at / to throw (dice etc) / to flip (a coin)
钱币 qián money (esp. coins)
blank (e.g. for a coin) / unburnt earthenware / semifinished product / Taiwan pr. [pei1]
压花 huā to emboss / coining / knurling
投币 tóu coin-operated / to insert coins
铜板 tóng bǎn copper coin / copper plate (e.g. for printing)
铜钱 tóng qián copper coin (round with a square hole in the middle, used in former times in China)
银币 yín silver coin
tián (dialect) coin; money
大钱 qián large sum of money / old Chinese type of coin of high denomination
生造 shēng zào to coin (words or expressions)
摇钱树 yáo qián shù legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken / (fig.) source of easy money
铸币 zhù coin / to mint (coins)

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