English to Chinese Dictionary


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shān mountain; hill (CL:座[zuo4]) / (coll.) small bundle of straw for silkworms to spin cocoons on
上山 shàng shān to climb a hill / to go to the mountains / (of silkworms) to go up bundles of straw (to spin cocoons) / to pass away / (of the sun or moon) to rise
羽化 huà levitation (of Daoist immortal) / to become as light as a feather and ascend to heaven / (in Daoism) to become immortal / to die / of winged insects, to emerge from the cocoon in adult form / eclosion
sāo to reel silk from cocoons
sāo to reel silk from cocoons
蚕茧 cán jiǎn silkworm cocoon
作茧自缚 zuò jiǎn to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising / hoist by his own petard
jiǎn (bound form) cocoon / (bound form) callus (variant of 趼[jian3])
破茧成蝶 jiǎn chéng dié lit. to break through a cocoon and turn into a butterfly (idiom) / fig. to emerge strong after a period of struggle / to get to a better place after going through difficult period
作茧 zuò jiǎn to make a cocoon
吐丝自缚 to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising / hoist with his own petard
抽丝剥茧 chōu jiǎn lit. to unwind the silk thread from the cocoon (idiom) / fig. to unravel a mystery; to painstakingly follow the clues to eventually get to the bottom of the matter
蚕茧纸 cán jiǎn zhǐ paper made from silkworm cocoons
蚕蔟 cán small bundle of straw etc provided for silkworms to spin cocoons on
造茧自缚 zào jiǎn to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising / hoist with his own petard

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